Saturday, 10 January 2015

2014 Projects

Another year full of projects that got most of the students at the institute involved in fruitful interaction with peers around the world. 

Our cross-cultural projects coordinator, Prof. Verónica Maser, set up mail exchanges using ePals, a community of collaborative classrooms. After spending some time writing to each other, students usually got the chance to meet live via Skype, and each of these encounters proved to be an unforgettable experience for all those involved. 

So, come and see what we were up to in 2014!

3rd Adults with students from Lone Tree, Iowa

This exchange allowed our students to get in touch with students from a rural school, a totally enriching and charming experience that opened their minds to a different reality and way of life. Many thanks to our teachers Gisela and Magalí, and to Ms Christy Weitz in Iowa

6th Adol and 5th Adults with students from Dixon High School, Illinois

Ms Wendy Fitzanko (Dixon), Ms Susana (6th adol) and Ms Verónica (5th adults) worked very hard to get everything ready to go when the American students came back from their holidays. Needless to say, everybody had lots of fun and learned tons in the process.

4th and 5th Adol students with students from Milton Middle/High School (Vermont, USA)

For this project, our teachers Natalia, Ivana and Verónica worked together with Ms Angela King to give their students the chance to make the most of this experience. 

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Adol with students from Platteview High School, Nebraska

Lovely project that involved younger students, who profitted enourmously from this exchange. Huge thanks to their teachers Daniela and Magalí and their colleague Laura Hilkermann in Nebraska.

6th Adol with students from North Valleys High School, Reno, Nevada

Ms Susana and Ms Verónica worked collaboratively with Ms Christie Loar to make this project a success. We had already had the pleasure of sharing projects with Ms Christie in 2013, so it was great to renew the partnership.

4th Adol and students at Pella Community High School, Iowa, US

Ms Verónica (4th Adol) and Ms Paloma Soria (Iowa) paired up their students and accompanied them in an enriching exchange of mails, photos and stories.

2nd kids, 3rd kids, 4th kids, 2nd adol and 3rd adol with Greece Odyssey Academy, Rochester, New York

For this super project,  almost 100 of our students started corresponding with Ms Patricia Muchard's. Their teachers' guidance was a key factor in the success of such a huge project as, in many cases, they were young learners. Needless to say, a zillion thanks to all the teachers who made this possible!

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